Azure Synapse Dataflow: Overcoming the Hurdle of Using Parameters in Pre SQL Scripts
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Azure Synapse Dataflow: Overcoming the Hurdle of Using Parameters in Pre SQL Scripts

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Are you stuck in the conundrum of utilizing parameters in Pre SQL scripts within Azure Synapse Dataflow? Worry no more! This comprehensive guide is designed to walk you through the challenges and provide you with the necessary steps to overcome this hurdle. By the end of this article, you’ll be well-equipped to seamlessly incorporate parameters into your Pre SQL scripts, revolutionizing your data integration workflows.

The Problem Statement

When working with Azure Synapse Dataflow, you may have encountered an issue where you’re unable to use a parameter in Pre SQL scripts. This limitation can be frustrating, especially when you need to dynamically adjust your SQL scripts based on varying input parameters. The error message might look something like this:

Error: "Parameter 'your_parameter_name' is not defined."

Sounds familiar? Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered!

Understanding Pre SQL Scripts in Azure Synapse Dataflow

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand the concept of Pre SQL scripts in Azure Synapse Dataflow.

Pre SQL scripts are a powerful feature in Azure Synapse Dataflow that allow you to execute SQL commands before the dataflow execution. These scripts can be used to perform various tasks, such as:

  • Creating temporary tables or views
  • Truncating or dropping tables
  • Setting session variables
  • Executing stored procedures

Pre SQL scripts are executed in the same database connection as the dataflow, which makes them an excellent way to set up the environment for your data integration workflows.

The Challenge of Using Parameters in Pre SQL Scripts

So, why can’t we use parameters in Pre SQL scripts, you ask? The reason lies in how Azure Synapse Dataflow handles parameterized queries.

When you create a parameter in Azure Synapse Dataflow, it’s essentially a placeholder for a value that will be populated at runtime. However, Pre SQL scripts are executed before the dataflow runtime, which means the parameters haven’t been populated yet.

This creates a chicken-and-egg problem, where the Pre SQL script needs the parameter value to execute, but the parameter value isn’t available until the dataflow execution.

The Solution: Using a Two-Stage Approach

Fear not, dear reader! We’ve got a clever workaround to overcome this limitation.

The solution involves a two-stage approach:

  1. Create a script that generates the desired SQL command based on the input parameter
  2. Execute the generated SQL command as a Pre SQL script

Let’s break down each stage in more detail:

Stage 1: Generating the SQL Command

In this stage, you’ll create a script that takes the input parameter and generates the desired SQL command. You can use a language of your choice, such as Python, SQL, or PowerShell, to create this script.

For example, let’s say you want to create a temporary table based on an input parameter `tableName`. You can create a Python script that generates the SQL command like this:

import pandas as pd

tableName = '@tableName'

sql_command = f"CREATE TABLE {tableName} (id INT, name VARCHAR(50));"


This script takes the input parameter `tableName` and generates a SQL command to create a temporary table with the specified name.

Stage 2: Executing the Generated SQL Command as a Pre SQL Script

In this stage, you’ll execute the generated SQL command as a Pre SQL script in Azure Synapse Dataflow.

To do this, you’ll need to create a new Pre SQL script in your dataflow and paste the generated SQL command into it.

Make sure to configure the Pre SQL script to execute in the correct database connection and set any necessary session variables.

Vola! You’ve successfully used a parameter in a Pre SQL script.

Example Scenario: Using a Parameter to Create a Temporary Table

Let’s consider a real-world scenario where you want to create a temporary table based on an input parameter `tableName`. You can use the two-stage approach outlined above to achieve this.

Here’s an example Python script that generates the SQL command:

import pandas as pd

tableName = '@tableName'

sql_command = f"""
    IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..{tableName}') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE tempdb..{tableName};

    CREATE TABLE tempdb..{tableName} (
        id INT,
        name VARCHAR(50)


This script takes the input parameter `tableName` and generates a SQL command to create a temporary table with the specified name. It also includes a check to drop the table if it already exists.

Next, you’ll execute this generated SQL command as a Pre SQL script in Azure Synapse Dataflow:

-- Pre SQL Script
EXECUTE sp_executesql @sql_command;

Make sure to configure the Pre SQL script to execute in the correct database connection and set any necessary session variables.

Bonus Tip: Using Parameters in SQL Scripts

Did you know that you can also use parameters in SQL scripts within Azure Synapse Dataflow?

To do this, you’ll need to create a parameter in your dataflow and then reference it in your SQL script using the `@` symbol.

For example:

-- SQL Script
FROM mytable
WHERE column_name = @myParameter;

In this example, the SQL script references the `@myParameter` parameter, which is defined in the dataflow.


In this article, we’ve explored the challenge of using parameters in Pre SQL scripts within Azure Synapse Dataflow. We’ve also discussed a two-stage approach to overcome this limitation, involving generating a SQL command based on the input parameter and executing it as a Pre SQL script.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to dynamically adjust your SQL scripts based on varying input parameters, opening up new possibilities for data integration and processing in Azure Synapse Dataflow.

Challenge Solution
Using parameters in Pre SQL scripts Two-stage approach: generate SQL command based on input parameter and execute it as a Pre SQL script

We hope this guide has been informative and helpful in overcoming the hurdle of using parameters in Pre SQL scripts. Happy data flowing!

Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Use your newfound knowledge wisely!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about Azure Synapse Dataflow and using parameters in Pre SQL scripts. Below, you’ll find the most common FAQs to help you overcome this hurdle.

Why can’t I use a parameter in my Pre SQL script in Azure Synapse Dataflow?

Azure Synapse Dataflow doesn’t support using parameters in Pre SQL scripts. This is because the Pre SQL script is executed outside of the Dataflow execution scope, making it impossible to pass parameters from the Dataflow to the Pre SQL script. Instead, consider using alternative solutions like storing the parameter values in a separate table or using Azure Synapse Analytics’ built-in functions.

Are there any workarounds to use parameters in Pre SQL scripts?

While there isn’t a direct way to use parameters in Pre SQL scripts, you can use creative workarounds. One approach is to store the parameter values in a separate table and then use those values in your Pre SQL script. Another option is to use Azure Synapse Analytics’ built-in functions, like the `EXECUTE` statement, to dynamically build your SQL script.

Can I use Dataflow parameters in my Pre SQL script?

Unfortunately, no. Dataflow parameters are not accessible in Pre SQL scripts. The Pre SQL script is executed before the Dataflow execution, so it can’t access the Dataflow’s parameter values. Instead, consider using alternative approaches mentioned earlier, like storing parameter values in a separate table or using Azure Synapse Analytics’ built-in functions.

How do I pass a variable from my Dataflow to my Pre SQL script?

Sadly, it’s not possible to pass a variable from your Dataflow to your Pre SQL script. As mentioned earlier, the Pre SQL script is executed outside of the Dataflow execution scope, making it impossible to pass variables between the two. Consider using a different approach, like storing the variable value in a separate table or using Azure Synapse Analytics’ built-in functions to dynamically build your SQL script.

What are some best practices for using Pre SQL scripts in Azure Synapse Dataflow?

Some best practices for using Pre SQL scripts in Azure Synapse Dataflow include using them sparingly, keeping them simple, and avoiding complex logic. Since Pre SQL scripts are executed outside of the Dataflow execution scope, it’s essential to keep them concise and focused on preparing the data for the Dataflow. Additionally, consider using alternative approaches, like using Azure Synapse Analytics’ built-in functions or storing parameter values in a separate table, to overcome the limitations of using parameters in Pre SQL scripts.

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