Slaying the Beast: Resolving “Error: ‘console’ is not defined” with ESLint 9 and Jest
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Slaying the Beast: Resolving “Error: ‘console’ is not defined” with ESLint 9 and Jest

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Are you tired of staring at the frustrating error message “Error: ‘console’ is not defined” when trying to run your Jest tests with ESLint 9? Well, buck up, buttercup, because today we’re going to tackle this beast and emerge victorious!

What’s behind the error?

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s understand the root cause of this issue. In ESLint 9, the no-undef rule is enabled by default, which means it will throw an error if you try to use an undeclared variable. In this case, the culprit is the console object, which is not explicitly defined in your JavaScript code.

Why is console not defined?

In a browser environment, the console object is globally available and provided by the browser itself. However, in a Node.js environment, where Jest runs your tests, the console object is not automatically defined. This is why ESLint 9 is complaining about it being undefined.

Solution 1: Disabling the no-undef rule for console

The quickest fix is to disable the no-undef rule for the console object specifically. You can do this by adding the following configuration to your .eslintrc file:

  "rules": {
    "no-undef": ["error", {
      "typeof": true,
      "global": {
        "console": false

This tells ESLint to ignore the console object when checking for undefined variables. Easy peasy, right?

Solution 2: Defining console globally

If you prefer a more explicit approach, you can define the console object globally in your Jest test environment. Create a new file, e.g., console.js, with the following content:

import console from 'console';

global.console = console;

Then, in your jest.config.js file, add the following setup file:

module.exports = {
  // ... other config options ...
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./console.js'],

This sets up the console object as a global variable, making it available to your tests and satisfying ESLint’s no-undef rule.

Solution 3: Using the jest/console module

Jest provides a built-in console module that you can use to stub out console methods. In your test files, import the console module like this:

import console from 'jest-mock-extended';

console.log = jest.fn();

This creates a mock console object with a stubbed log method. You can then use this mock console object in your tests, and ESLint will be none the wiser.

Additional Tips and Tricks

Creating a custom console logger

If you want to create a custom console logger for your tests, you can create a new file, e.g., customLogger.js, with the following content:

const customLogger = {
  log: (message) => {
    console.log(`[CUSTOM_LOGGER] ${message}`);

global.console = customLogger;

Then, in your jest.config.js file, add the following setup file:

module.exports = {
  // ... other config options ...
  setupFilesAfterEnv: ['./customLogger.js'],

This sets up a custom console logger that you can use in your tests, and ESLint will still be happy.

Disabling the no-undef rule for specific files

If you have specific files where you want to disable the no-undef rule, you can add a comment at the top of those files:

/* eslint no-undef: 0 */

This tells ESLint to disable the no-undef rule for that specific file.


There you have it, folks! Three solutions to conquer the “Error: ‘console’ is not defined” issue with ESLint 9 and Jest. Remember, the next time you encounter this error, you can:

  • Disable the no-undef rule for console
  • Define console globally
  • Use the jest/console module

And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, you can create a custom console logger or disable the no-undef rule for specific files.

Now, go forth and slay those errors like a boss!

Solution Description
Solution 1 Disable the no-undef rule for console
Solution 2 Define console globally
Solution 3 Use the jest/console module
  1. ESLint 9 documentation: no-undef rule
  2. Jest documentation: configuration options
  3. Stack Overflow: related question

Frequently Asked Questions

Error ‘console’ is not defined no-undef with ESLint 9 and Jest? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to get you out of this sticky situation.

Why am I getting the ‘console’ is not defined error with ESLint 9 and Jest?

This error occurs because ESLint 9 has a new `no-undef` rule that’s enabled by default. This rule prevents the use of undeclared variables, including the `console` object. Jest, on the other hand, doesn’t provide a global `console` object by default, hence the error.

How can I fix the ‘console’ is not defined error with ESLint 9 and Jest?

To fix this error, you can either disable the `no-undef` rule for the `console` object or add a global `console` object in your Jest configuration. You can do this by adding the following code to your `jest.config.js` file: `globals: { console: true }`.

Can I disable the ‘no-undef’ rule entirely for ESLint 9?

Yes, you can disable the `no-undef` rule entirely by adding the following code to your `.eslintrc.json` file: `{ “rules”: { “no-undef”: “off” } }`. Note that this will disable the rule for all variables, not just the `console` object.

Is there a way to enable the ‘console’ object globally for all Jest tests?

Yes, you can enable the `console` object globally for all Jest tests by adding the following code to your `jest.setup.js` file: `global.console = console;`. This will make the `console` object available globally for all your Jest tests.

Will disabling the ‘no-undef’ rule or adding a global ‘console’ object affect my code quality?

Disabling the `no-undef` rule or adding a global `console` object might affect your code quality in the long run. It’s essential to strike a balance between convenience and code quality. Make sure to review your code regularly and refactor it to avoid undeclared variables and unnecessary global objects.

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