JFrog Artifactory Randomly Returns 404 for Resources: Causes and Solutions
Image by Loralyn - hkhazo.biz.id

JFrog Artifactory Randomly Returns 404 for Resources: Causes and Solutions

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating 404 error in JFrog Artifactory, where your resources suddenly disappear into thin air? You’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the possible causes of this issue and provide you with step-by-step solutions to get your resources back online.

What is JFrog Artifactory?

Before we dive into the problem, let’s quickly introduce JFrog Artifactory – a powerful, universal repository manager that allows you to store, manage, and deploy your software artifacts. With Artifactory, you can efficiently manage your binaries, Docker images, and other dependencies across your DevOps pipeline.

The Mysterious 404 Error

So, what happens when JFrog Artifactory starts returning 404 errors for your resources? You might see something like this:

HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Cannot find artifact 'my/repo/my-artifact-1.0.jar' in 'my/repo'.

This error can occur due to various reasons, which we’ll explore in the following sections.

Cause 1: Incorrect Repository Configuration

One common cause of the 404 error is a misconfigured repository in Artifactory. This might happen when you’re using a local repository, and the repository layout is not correctly configured.

To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:

  • Log in to your Artifactory instance and navigate to the Repositories section.
  • Select the repository that’s returning the 404 error.
  • Click on the Layout tab and verify that the repository layout is correctly configured.
  • Make sure the Repository Layout field matches the actual layout of your repository.
  • Save your changes and try accessing the resource again.

Cause 2: Permission Issues

Permission problems can also lead to 404 errors in Artifactory. This might occur when the user or group doesn’t have sufficient permissions to access the resource.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Artifactory instance and navigate to the Security section.
  2. Select the user or group that’s experiencing the 404 error.
  3. Click on the Permissions tab and verify that the user or group has the necessary permissions to access the resource.
  4. Add the required permissions and save your changes.
  5. Try accessing the resource again.

Cause 3: Artifact Not Found

Sometimes, the artifact might not be present in the repository, leading to a 404 error.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

Step Action
1 Log in to your Artifactory instance and navigate to the Artifacts section.
2 Search for the artifact using the Search functionality.
3 If the artifact is not found, upload the artifact to the correct repository.
4 Try accessing the resource again.

Cause 4: Network Connectivity Issues

In some cases, network connectivity problems can cause Artifactory to return 404 errors.

To troubleshoot this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Verify that your network connection is stable and working correctly.
  2. Check your Artifactory instance’s server status to ensure it’s up and running.

Solutions to Common Scenarios

In addition to the causes mentioned above, here are some solutions to common scenarios where Artifactory returns 404 errors:

Scenario 1: 404 Error for a Specific Artifact

If you’re experiencing a 404 error for a specific artifact, try the following:

curl -u username:password -X GET 'https://my-artifactory.com/artifactory/my/repo/my-artifact-1.0.jar'

This command will help you verify if the artifact is present in the repository and if the issue is specific to the artifact.

Scenario 2: 404 Error for an Entire Repository

If the entire repository is returning 404 errors, try the following:

  • Verify that the repository is correctly configured and exists in Artifactory.
  • Check if the repository is set to Disabled or Hidden. If so, enable or unhide the repository.
  • Try accessing the repository using the Artifactory UI or REST API.

Scenario 3: 404 Error for a Docker Image

If you’re experiencing a 404 error for a Docker image, try the following:

docker login my-artifactory.com
docker pull my-artifactory.com/my/repo/my-image:latest

This command will help you verify if the Docker image is present in the repository and if the issue is specific to the image.

Best Practices to Avoid 404 Errors in Artifactory

To minimize the occurrence of 404 errors in Artifactory, follow these best practices:

  1. Maintain a consistent repository layout to avoid configuration issues.
  2. Regularly clean up unused artifacts and repositories to prevent clutter.
  3. Use access controls and permissions to ensure secure access to resources.
  4. Monitor your Artifactory instance’s server status and performance.
  5. Use Artifactory’s built-in features, such as checksum-based storage, to ensure data integrity.


JFrog Artifactory’s 404 error can be frustrating, but by following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to identify and resolve the underlying causes. Remember to maintain a well-configured repository, ensure proper permissions, and monitor your Artifactory instance’s performance to minimize the occurrence of 404 errors. Happy repository managing!

Frequently Asked Question

Artifactory, the binary repository manager, is acting up and returning 404 errors for resources? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some answers to common questions about this pesky issue.

Why is Artifactory suddenly returning 404 errors for existing resources?

This could be due to misconfigured repositories, incorrect permissions, or even a corrupted database. Check your repository settings, make sure the user has the necessary permissions, and consider running a database integrity check to rule out any corruption issues.

Can I reproduce the 404 error to troubleshoot the issue?

Yes, try to reproduce the error by accessing the resource multiple times or from different machines. If the error is intermittent, it might be related to network connectivity or server load. Try using a tool like `curl` or a REST client to isolate the issue.

Is there a way to configure Artifactory to provide more detailed error messages?

Yes, you can enable debug logging in Artifactory by setting the log level to DEBUG in the `logback.xml` file. This will provide more detailed error messages, helping you identify the root cause of the issue.

Can I use Artifactory’s built-in cache to reduce the load on my server?

Yes, Artifactory’s cache can help reduce the load on your server. However, if the cache is not properly configured, it might actually cause more issues. Make sure to configure the cache correctly, and consider using a reverse proxy cache like NGINX or Apache to further reduce the load.

Are there any known issues or bugs in Artifactory that could be causing the 404 errors?

Yes, there might be known issues or bugs in certain versions of Artifactory that could cause 404 errors. Check the JFrog support portal for any known issues, and consider upgrading to the latest version of Artifactory to ensure you have the latest bug fixes and features.

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